shoelace free sneakers Campaign

Social Deal

Campaign Details

shoelace free sneakers

Campaign ID: C152281
Categories: Shoes
Shipping Method: Coupon Code (non-Amazon websites)
Retail Price: $79.99 $59.99

Product Details
1996, Sydney. Two youngsters named Tull Price and Rodney Adler saw skaters tucked-in their shoelaces and had a revelation: we wear sneakers to affirm our style, why should they come with laces? The pair began to work on a revolutionary slip-on trainer by using elastic bands and introduced an easy "slip in/out" concept for maximum comfort and a cutting-edge design. They named the brand “Royal Elastics”. It was the humble start of an Australian sneaker brand that later influenced the world with its street-born and laid-back style. In only two years, Royal Elastics won several awards in Australia and UK, becoming the brand of choice for many street artists. 
In 2000, the legendary and long-selling ICON series was born and has become an absolute classic in the sneakers universe ever since.

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