Azure Naturals - New Ocean Minerals Products Campaign


Campaign Prerequisites
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Campaign Details

Azure Naturals - New Ocean Minerals Products

Campaign ID: C18170
Categories: Beauty
Shipping Method: Amazon (FBA or FBM)
Retail Price: $80 FREE
Hashtag: #AzureNaturals

Product Details
90 powerful Oceanic Minerals, micro minerals, vitamins and vital nutrients help repair, rejuvenate and deeply nourish your skin, giving it a healthier, more youthful glow. This wonderful line of Ocean Mineral products is specially formulated to work together to improve the effectiveness of one another. For that reason, we would like you to use them all.  This incredible promotion is for our newly launched, liine of Azure Naturals Ocean Mineral products! This promotion includes our Ocean Minerals Cleanser, Toner, Moisturizer and Facial Hydration Mask! Bloggers will receive the above four (4) mentioned Ocean Minerals products and will be required to use and promote the our entire line including provide individual Amazon reviews.  Bloggers will be proivded with the opportunity to give-away one set of the same four (4) products to one lucky contest winner!  We are seeking bloggers with a 100% Verification Rating of a minimum of 25 past reviews.  In lieu of the value of this offering including the give-away ($120), we are respectfully seeking bloggers who are willing to participate without a fee.  Thank you very much for your time and consideration!

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