Key Takeaways

  • Pet influencers can make a significant amount of money through sponsored posts, merchandise sales, collaborations with brands, and appearances at events.
  • The amount of money pet influencers make varies greatly depending on their popularity, engagement rate, and number of followers.
  • Building a successful pet influencer account takes hard work and dedication.

Pet influencers have become a popular phenomenon in recent years, with many furry friends achieving celebrity status on social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. These animal influencers have amassed millions of followers, and their owners have turned their cuteness and charm into a lucrative business. But how much money do pet influencers actually make?

The answer to this question varies greatly depending on the influencer's popularity, engagement rate, and the number of followers they have. According to an article on Vox, pet influencers with around 100,000 followers may earn only a few hundred dollars per post. However, the top-earning pet influencer in 2018, a Pomeranian with nearly 10 million followers, made $32,045 per sponsored post.

Beyond sponsored posts, pet influencers can also earn money through merchandise sales, collaborations with brands, and appearances at events. It's clear that pet influencers have the potential to make a significant amount of money, but it takes hard work and dedication to build a successful account.

The Big Bucks: Top Earners in the Pet Influencer World

Highlight Top Earners and Earnings Per Post

Pet influencers have become a lucrative business in recent years, with some of the top earners raking in significant amounts of money per sponsored post. For instance, Jiffpom, a Pomeranian with over 10 million followers on Instagram, reportedly makes between $10,000 and $20,000 per sponsored post. Another top earner in the pet influencer world is Nala Cat, a Siamese-Tabby mix with over 4 million followers on Instagram, who reportedly earns between $8,000 and $15,000 per sponsored post [2].

The earnings of pet influencers vary depending on their following, engagement rates, and brand deals. While some pet influencers earn a few hundred dollars per post, others can earn tens of thousands of dollars per post, depending on their popularity and reach. Micro-influencers with 50k to 500k followers can also earn thousands of dollars per post.

Factors Contributing to Success

The success of pet influencers is not solely based on their cute looks and adorable antics. It also depends on their owners' ability to market their pets and build a loyal following on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Pet influencers with a strong and engaged following are more likely to attract brand deals and earn more money per post.

In addition to a loyal following, pet influencers must also have a unique selling point that sets them apart from other pet influencers. This could be a special talent, a unique look, or a relatable personality. For instance, Jiffpom is known for his signature head tilt and ability to perform various tricks, while Nala Cat is known for her expressive eyes and playful personality.

In conclusion, pet influencers can earn significant amounts of money per post, depending on their popularity and reach. The top earners in the pet influencer world, such as Jiffpom and Nala Cat, can earn tens of thousands of dollars per sponsored post. Pet influencers with a strong and engaged following, a unique selling point, and a solid marketing strategy are more likely to attract brand deals and earn more money per post.

Beyond the Top Dogs (and Cats): Income Ranges for Different Tiers

Pet influencers have become a lucrative career for many pet owners. However, not all pet influencers have millions of followers and earn thousands of dollars per post. In fact, there are different tiers of pet influencers based on their follower count, engagement rates, and income.

Tiers Based on Follower Count

Pet influencers can be classified into several tiers based on their follower count. Micro-influencers typically have less than 10,000 followers, while mid-tier influencers have between 10,000 and 500,000 followers. Top dogs (and cats) have over 500,000 followers and can command higher rates for sponsored posts.

Estimated Income Ranges for Each Tier

Pet influencers' income varies widely based on their follower count, engagement rates, and sponsorships. Micro-influencers typically earn between $10 and $100 per sponsored post, while mid-tier influencers can earn between $100 and $1,000 per post. Top dogs (and cats) can earn over $10,000 per post.

Engagement Rates and Earnings

Engagement rates play a crucial role in determining pet influencers' earnings. Engagement rate refers to the percentage of followers who engage with a post by liking, commenting, or sharing it. Pet influencers with high engagement rates can command higher rates for sponsored posts than those with low engagement rates.

In conclusion, pet influencers' income varies widely based on their follower count, engagement rates, and sponsorships. While top dogs (and cats) can earn thousands of dollars per post, micro-influencers and mid-tier influencers can also earn a decent income from their pet's social media presence.

More Than Just Posts: Different Income Streams for Pet Influencers

Pet influencers can earn money from various income streams beyond sponsored posts. Here are some of the most common ways pet influencers can make money.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular way for pet influencers to make money. By promoting products or services on their social media accounts, pet influencers can earn a commission on any sales made through their unique affiliate link. For example, if a pet influencer promotes a new type of dog food and a consumer clicks on the affiliate link and makes a purchase, the pet influencer will earn a percentage of that sale.

Merchandise Sales

Many pet influencers have their own merchandise lines, which can include anything from t-shirts to pet toys. Pet influencers can sell their merchandise directly to their followers through their social media accounts or website. Merchandise sales can be a lucrative income stream for pet influencers, as they can earn a profit on each sale.

Paid Community Access

Some pet influencers offer paid community access to their followers. This can include exclusive content, access to private social media groups, or one-on-one consultations. By offering paid community access, pet influencers can earn a recurring revenue stream and build a loyal following.

Pet influencers can also earn money through traditional revenue streams such as sponsored posts, brand partnerships, and marketing deals. In addition, some pet influencers have written books or created other types of content that generate revenue.

Overall, pet influencers have a variety of income streams available to them beyond just sponsored posts. By diversifying their revenue streams, pet influencers can build a sustainable business and connect with their audience in new and exciting ways.

The Road to Woof (or Meow) Riches: Building a Successful Pet Influencer Account

Pet influencers have taken the social media world by storm, with some of the most popular accounts boasting millions of followers and lucrative brand deals. But how do you build a successful pet influencer account? Here are some key factors for success and resources for account growth.

Key Factors for Success


Creating high-quality and engaging content is essential for building a successful pet influencer account. This can include photos, videos, and captions that showcase your pet's personality and appeal to your target audience. Consistency is also key – posting regularly and at optimal times can help keep your followers engaged and attract new ones.

Niche Targeting

Finding a specific niche can help your pet influencer account stand out from the crowd. This could be anything from showcasing a specific breed or type of pet, to focusing on a particular theme or cause. By targeting a specific niche, you can attract a more dedicated and engaged following.

Social Media Platforms

While Instagram is often the go-to platform for pet influencers, other social media platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter can also be effective for building a following and securing brand deals. It's important to choose the platforms that best suit your content and audience.


Engaging with your followers is essential for building a loyal and dedicated following. This can include responding to comments, hosting giveaways, and collaborating with other pet influencers. Building a strong community around your pet influencer account can help attract new followers and keep existing ones engaged.

Resources for Account Growth

Brand Deals

Brand deals are a major source of income for many pet influencers. These deals can include sponsored posts, product endorsements, and collaborations with brands. To secure brand deals, it's important to build a strong following and create high-quality content that aligns with the brand's values and target audience.

Content Creators

Working with content creators like photographers and videographers can help take your pet influencer account to the next level. These professionals can help create high-quality content that stands out on social media and attracts new followers.

In conclusion, building a successful pet influencer account takes time, dedication, and a strategic approach. By focusing on creating high-quality content, targeting a specific niche, engaging with your followers, and securing brand deals, you can turn your pet into a social media star and potentially earn a significant income in the process.